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Creating Scenes

Demonstration Activities
3D model making software download access to models created by others
Templates where learners create scenes from a number of given items or shapes

4 habitat scenes in which learners drop a number of given items

Storyboarding with online tutorials and sheets to print out
Geometric Pictures Parts 1-4 explain how geometric shapes are used in pictures
3 paintings and one sculpture learners are asked questions about what they see
Shape Pictures Parts 1-2 explain how shapes are used in constructing pictures
Mosaic Patterns examples of designs produced by the 'Tile Machine' (see extension activities)
Practice Activities
Create a Poster Drag and Drop create a scene with speech bubbles
Input shapes into grid can be flipped turned reversed to create patterns
Geometric Pictures Part 5 allows learners to create their own designs
Create a scene by manipulating objects this time with a Japanese theme
Dropping shapes onto kaleidoscope can create incredible patterns and effects
A picture creation activity for young learners
Matching coloured petals incorporates memory into the activity
Create a face (male) dropping eyes noses mouths and ears onto the blank canvas
Create a face (female) dropping eyes noses mouths and ears onto the blank canvas
Mad Marvin's Art Studio create imaginative designs using shapes and colours
Drop the various items given to create your own snowman
Shadow Casting scene creating using the technique of hands and light source
Shape Pictures Part 3 allows learners to make their own designs
Extension Activities
Recycle for Art learners to try to create a piece of art on a similar theme
Action Painting with more abstract and colourful tools
Create a 9 piece Mural by dropping pre-made designs into a 3 x 3 grid
Making Patterns another creative site which is only limited by our imagination.
My Imaginary City where learners create imaginative and creative scenes
One of a Kind 6 backgrounds into which to drop shapes to create imaginative scenes
Painting a range of backgrounds and characters using a range of artistic tools
A creative tool allows learners to 'take shapes out of a background' to create a new picture
Learners can create a picture which is then 'morphed' into an abstract piece of art
Tile Machine a creative site where the 'canvas' is a mosaic (see demonstration activities)

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